The Progressive Age from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

working girls. 253-L. 67A3 PAINTING For, your interior and exterior painting call phone 304-L. 67A3 BUSINESS FOR SALE Stock of goods and fixtures. Grocery and Service Station.

Building can be leased. Call 931-M or see Walter Johnson at Hollywood Crossroads. 29Atn IMPORTANT NOTICE -We can and will service your cash or burial policy regardless of the We are at your service 24 name stamped on the, policy. day. 66.

Word -YatesBolton Funeral Home, Scottsboro. 224Atn BARGAIN. Number 3 Oak Flooirng $35.00 per thousand. for flooring grain bins, warehouses, under linoleum in bathroom and kitchen, and many other uses. W.

J. Word Lumber Scottsboro, Alabama. 510Atn ALABAMA REFRIGERATION COMPANY, Woods Cove Pike. Phone 624-J, Scottsboro. Service on all types Refrigeration Units.

We sell Commercial Refrigeration equipment. BRYCE WOOSLEY, owner. Res. phone 435-M. 412Atn MR.

FARMER. For top prices your cattle and hogs te Beard-Kennamer Livestock Market in Scottsboro. Sale ever! Monday. 410 PREMIUMS pound 39cl pound 29cl 3 lbs. $1.00 Ads FOR -Garden tractor equipment.

May be seen at 303 Hamilton St. after 4:30 write Bruce Thomas, Box 209, MOTORS REPAIRED--Inboard and outboard; only genuine parts used. Free estimates. Also furniture repaired and refinished. Will trade for your old furniture.

Cabinets built or repaired, boats built repaired, fibre glass finish boats. HERMAN FOSTER, P. O. Box 101, or phone 70 after 5:00 p.m. 614A12 For your septic tank, greasetrap and pit, toilet pumping call 421-L.

Maurell Ferguson, Scottsboro, Ala. 614A3 BUY. YOUR PAINT FROM LEE THOMAS, phone Scottsboro. You can save some money. 614A6 FOR SALE -Mark 15 Mercury motor, 2 bronze props.

Perfect condition. Priced sell. Guy Hollis Furniture Co. 614A3 FOR RENT-6 room house on Kirby Street. Has hot water heater and bath.

Mrs. J. B. Kent, 306 Bingham Street. Phone 112-R, Scottsboro.

67A3 FOR RENT-6 room house, bath, hot water, truck patches. See Floyd Crawford, Rt. 1, Hollywood, Ala. 67A3 FREE U. S.

GOOD CHUCK ROAST ALL MEAT BOLOGNA ALL MEAT STEW GROUND BEEF DRESSED PAN READY FRYERS pound 39c SHORTENING SNOWDRIFT 3 lbs. 89cl ICE GREAM Half Gallon PINTS each 15c CADET VIENNA can 10c TONY DOG FOOD 4 for 35c ELMDALE PEAS 303 can 10c COFFEE OLEO VIKING, pound SHUR-FRESH 79c lb. 29c CARROTS POTTED MEAT cello package 3 cans for only 10c 19c MAYONNAISE KLEENEX Salad Bowl, pint 400 size 39c 29c DIXIE SAVING MARKET Fort Payne Highway Scottsboro two are CAUU Cub Scout Den Mother Members of the Scottsboro Lions Club honored Mrs. Bud Campbell for her services as Den Mother to Cub Pack 81 in a special letter released to the newspaper this week. Through error, Mrs.

Campbell was not listed with the Den Mothers honored last week. The Lions Club expressed apologies in this matter and went on to point out how much her services meant to the youth of Scouting. "Mrs. Campbell has served well and we greatly appreciate the time and devotion she has given this project," stated Hoyt Bramblett, Lion President. FOR SALE--50.

lbs. of No. 2, local grown potatoes for $1.95 at GRUBTOWN! SACRIFICE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE--New seven foot refrigerator. Deluxe features. A bargain you can't afford to miss.

Call 480 now. 621A2 You are invited to stop by the OK Barber Shop, next door to City Cafe, for the best in barber service. See any of the following barbers, Darsey Austell, H. C. Ball, Earl Wilborn, D.

C. Martin (owner). We will be pleased to serve you. 825Atn FOR RENT-Two houses at Five Points. Call 378-L or 70, Scottsboro.

517Atn FOR SALE--Five 4x8 Pool Tables with racks, balls, sticks and lighting fixtures. Good condition. A bargain for the complete outfit. See or call D. C.

"Dude" Gentle, Phone 436-W, Scottsboro. 517A3 REDUCING STOCK, WILL SACRIFICE New automatic washer and dryer. Will sell individually or as a. pair. Call 480.

No reasonable offer will be refused. 621A2 FOR SALE Allis-Chalmers tractor, cultivator, disc harrow, turning plow. Will sell for $600.00. See J. C.

Johnson, Rt. 1, Fackler, Ala. 614A3 FOR SALE-50 lbs. of No. 2, local grown potatoes for $1.95 at GRUBTOWN! for '52 LOST--Fender Cadillac.

On skirt, -grey Woods Road or in town. Call 492-J. 506 Scott Street. 614A3 FOR IMMEDIATE SALENew electric range. Clock, timer, push button control.

Will sacrifice for immediate sale. Call 480. 621A2 FOR SALE Portable wood building, 10x30 feet, been used for office in Scottsboro. Also 110 acre farm on Sand Mountain. See R.

D. Bradford at Childress Implement Scottsboro. 614A3 FOR SALE--Good used tinroofing. See Miss Freddie Armstrong at Quality Store or 408 South St. 621A3 BOAT COVERS-We have a large stock of canvas boat covers for almost any size boat you have.

Priced right. W. J. WORD LUMBER CO. 621A6 FOR SALE OR RENT-4-room house.

Wired for stove. Remodeled. Some fruits and vegetables. Mrs. J.

R. Waters, Dutton, Alabama. 621A2 HOUSE FOR RENT-2 bedroom house, electric heat, venetian blinds. Close to city school and high school. Call 399-J.

LOST--Saturday in Scottsboro paper bag containing black purse and three belts. Mrs. Hubert Wright, 405 Jordan Lane, phone 412-W. STRINGER BUILDING SUPPLY Section, has a carload of sheetrock for sale. 621A3 NOW FOR DELIVERY--Onehalf ton and three quarter ton air conditioner.

Major brand. Guaranteed. Must sell at once. Call 480. 621A2 FOR SALE No investment is as safe as in a good farm for future security.

Each the nations farm ownership becomes smaller and the population greater. With today's machinery it is easy to handle more land and farmers are looking for more to to their holdings. Some beautiful large lots in the resubdivision of the Parks Addition: THE ELKINS This is an FARM Sueral estate hav-er a family owning been ror two generations and ership car be purchased on good terms. Consists of 365 acres with adproximately 200 acres in pasture and cropland, balance has valuable timber. Situated in the Kyles community on Mud Creek.

Scottsboro 80 acres 4 miles West of Scottsboro near Highway 72 for $2,750.00. Beautiful home on College large lot, plenty of shade. South of Scottsboro on the Lake 429 acres known as the G. S. Gant farm.

Some very desirable property at Section and Skyline. C. H. MOORE REALTY INSURANCE CO. State National Bank Building Phone 114-L Scottsboro C.

E. Simmons, Salesman Shop Scottsboro Before You Buy Misses Doris Matthews Nellie Ruth Judge, of Scottsboro, and Nora Huntoon, of Hollywood, have returned home after spending a week at the Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly Mrs. J. S. son, Timmy, are visiting and Mrs.

R. S. Mackey in Detroit, Mich. Enroute they visited with Lt. and Mrs.

Ralph E. Porter in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. O. L.

Minks, Civitan Governor-elect of Alabama District North. installed the new officers of Hartselle Civitan Club last night and made their address at their "Ladies Night" at First Methodist Church in that city. ARNOLD-HOWARD ARNOLD-HOWARD rington assisted with the serving. For her wedding trip, the bride wore a a a a two-piece dress of plaid chambray. Her accessories were white.

Her corsage was the white gameilla from her bouquet. After a trip to North Carolina, the couple will make their home! in Scottsboro at 208 Charlotte PERSONALS Mrs. Helen Williams and daughter, Peggy Sue, visiting Sgt. and Mrs. Billy Martin in San Antonio, Texas.

Jerry Matthews has returned home after spending weeks at the music camp at the University of Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. John and family, of Linden, Mr. and Mrs.

Mitchell Hosmer, of Geraldine, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Gross. Miss Helen Marie Howard, daughter of Mr. and Quitmon Howard, and J.

old, son of Mr. and William MisSes Forrest Arnold, were unit marriage Friday evening, June 15, 1956, at the home the bride's parents. The vows of the double ring ceremony were spoken before an improvised altar of southern greens, white gladiolus and feverfew. Lindsay A. Allen, minister of the Church of Christ officiated at the ceremony.

The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white embroidered organdy. The scoop neck line was fashioned with a crushed yoke of self material, outlined in white velvet ribbon, finished in the back with a bow and full length streamers. Her short veil of elusion fell from a tiera of tulle and taffeta embroidered in seed pearls. The bride wore a necklace of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, and carried a bouquet of split carnation garlands showered with white and centered with a white gameilla. Miss Joan Howard served as maid of honor for her sister.

Her dress was light blue organdy over taffeta. She wore a small hat of self material, and carried a colonial bouquet of rose buds and split carnations showered with white and pink. Kenneth Jerrell was best man. Ushers were Charles Arnold and Tom Allen. A program of wedding music was presented by Miss Linda Hall, pianist and Miss Ginger Jones, vocalist.

The bride's mother wore a dress of powder blue nylon lace. Her accessories were navy and white. Her corsage was of pink carnations. The groom's mother chose a dress of black voile with black and white accessories. Her corsage was also pink carnations.

A reception followed the ceremony. Mrs. Lucile Hill, Mrs. Bob Harrington and Mrs. Lee Har- HINKLES- HOLT Alfred Jr.

Hinkles and Miss Rena B. Holt were marred June 2, 1956 at Trenton, Ga. Alfrea ic the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hinkles of Scottsbore.

Rena is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Molt of Hollywood. Miss Geraldine Hinkles and Clarence Holt were married June 16, 1956 at Trenton, Ga. Geraldine is the daughter Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Hinkles of Scottsboro. Clarence is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holt of Hollywood.

RAINBOW MEETING The order of the Rainbow for Girls met Thursday night, June 14th, with Shirley Machen, Worthy Advisor, presiding. Carolyn Womack was initiated into the order. Janie Spence, member of the Tullahoma, Tenn. assembly was a visitor. Refreshments were served to 32 members, nine Eastern Star memberfs, and one member of the Masonic Lodge.

The next meeting will be June 28th, 7 p.m. at the Masonic Hall. AUBURN NOTE Gordon W. Breland, Scottsboro, is among the Alabama Polytechnic Institute students listed on the Dean's Honor Roll in the School of Engineering for the spring quarter. The Honor Roll is composed.

of students who maintain a high scholastic average during the quarter. Carol and Suzanne Sloan are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. Ruth Berzett, in Tanner, Ala. Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Lyons, cf Decatur, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Armstrong. I Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Johnson and daughters, and Susan, of Macon, Ga. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart at Larkinsville.

Neva remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Richard Killian returned to her home here Saturday after a months vacation in Rolla, Mo. with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.

T. W. Whitten and sons, Travice, Jr. and James Richard. The Whitten family came home with their mother for a visit.

Also at over the week-end with Killian and home, son, Dick, were Mr. and 1 Mrs. Brooks Gist and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Killian and family, and Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Ward and family, all of Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh (Jada) Sumner had as Sunday guests Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Taylor and sons, Jerry and Johnny, of Chattanooga; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holder and family, of Fackler; Mr. and Mrs.

Jeff Sumner, Scottsboro Rt. 1, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hollis, Scottsboro. A meeting of the Gladys Hopewell Missionary Circle was held on Monday night, June 18, at the home of Mrs.

J. A. Proctor. The missionary program was presented by Mrs. L.

E. Lovell, Mrs. W. H. Johnson, Mrs.

J. A. Proctor, Mrs. Mollie Phillips, O. Sharp, Mrs.

Marie Bradford, Mrs. Lester Maynor, and Mrs. Odell Wright. Members of the Minnie Berry Missionary Circle of Calvary Baptist Church met on Tuesday night, June 19, at the home of Mrs. Sam Harvey.

Mrs. Frank Hicks presided and gave the devotional. Mrs. Archie Rousseau offered prayer. Those presenting the missionary, program were Mrs.

Bridges, Mrs. Marie Bradford, Mrs. Lester Maynor and Mrs. Rousseau. Mrs.

Bridges offered the closing prayer. Mrs. Lade Sanders had as her guests the week-end Mrs. Nanny Giles, Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bryant and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Malone and children of Chattanooga; Mr.

and Mrs. L. W. Burrow and children, Jasper, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Sharpe and children, Dutton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lindner, Fort McClellan, CARD OF THANKS I want to especially thank Mrs. Charlie Crawford.

Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Thomas, Kenneth Hodges and Billy Kennamer for their help in getting me to a doctor when I got bit by a rattle snake, I want to thank everyone who sent me flowers and everyone that sent me the nice get-well cards or helped in any way. May God's richest blessings be with you. Mrs.

Esther Kennamer For Sale at Sentinel Office MARKWELL STAPLER SX Pacemaker Economy Model. It Staples It Tacks. $1.60 Staples for Machine 35c per 1000. also MARKWELL PUNCHES One of The Best $1.25 each MARKWELL Card Writing Pen Outfit. Every merchant should own one.

$3.00 for outfit. (Sales Tax not included in above prices) SENTINEL OFFICE Scottsboro Watch your subscription label, Ave. Ala. out, please renew at once. Pay the AVE Least! A FRESH ICE CREAM PURINA VEGETABLES FREEZERS FEEDS AND MEATS KING SIZE NEW! ONLY BOOKMATCHES DELSEY Frozen Food Needs Delsed 15c Belle Meade Fudge OHIO BLUE TIP Cookies 49c ALL PURPOSE! L.

M. TEA cedar polish 1 Lb. With Pitcher WILDROOT Cleans Polishes Protects $1.76 CREAM 12 oz. 50c Ivory Soap, lg. 15c ROYAL OIL Ivory Soap, med.

10c 29c 59c Ivory Soap, personal 7c CUP Ivory Flakes 32c Ivory Snow 32c Coffee NIBLETS Camay. bath 14c CORN Camay, complexion 9c Lb. 95c 12 oz. 16c Lava 12c Dreft 33c CRISCO Joy, giant glass 84c OXYDOL 3 Lbs. Joy, can 63c Regular 99c 32c CHEER SPIC SPAN Regular DOLLAR Regular 32c 27c DUZ TIDE VALUE Regular STORE Regular 31c 32c BOGART'S STORE STEVENSON HOLT- HOLT-.

The Progressive Age from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.